Changelog: New Funnels! 📣 - August 15th, 2023

August 15, 2023

Funnels on MetricsWave

Statistics are not just bar graphs and numbers. The funnels help you see in a more intuitive way how your users behave, for example, during a purchase process.

From now on you can crete your events of type "Funnel" with all the steps you want. It's supper easy and with them you will be able to measure complex process like purchases, sign ups and more.

ℹ️ Here you can find more information about funnels and the API.

One more thing

We know that updating your widgets was dificult and, changin the order was a pain.

Now you can add, edit, delete or move widgets with just drag and drop.

This is how it always should have been.

You access this edit view by click on the "Modify Widgets" button over your dashboard.

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